XML API endpoints
Renata Rusecka
Luca Albano
Björn Östberg
David Maicher
You will need a ReviewSubject (hash) and an API key for authorising your requests. You can request them from our Customer Support team.
This endpoint allow access to your Customer Alliance-collected reviews on your website. There are some additional parameters you can add to the URL to customize which reviews you receive.
Name | Default value | Type | Description |
Name | Default value | Type | Description |
| Mandatory | string | Review Config Hash, the Review Subject for which subject you would like to retrieve data, provided by Customer Alliance. |
| Mandatory | string | Access Key to authorize the request, ask our Customer Care Team for it. |
| 50 | number | This is the number of reviews per request. The maximum allowed value is 1000. If left empty, this will automatically be set to 50. |
| 0 | number | This corresponds to the &limit parameter. By default, this is 0. So, if &limit is 50 and &offset is 0 and there are 300 possible reviews, this means that it will show the first 50 results. I.e. &limit=50&offset=0 results 0.50 of 300 &limit=50&offset=50 results 50, 100 of 300 &limit=50&offset=100 results 100, 150 of 300 |
| DESC | ASC|DESC | This is the order of the reviews, i.e. the reviews are ordered by date ASCending or DESCending. By default, the order is set to descending so that the latest reviews will be displayed first unless you set the &orderBy parameter. |
| date | date|rating | By default, this is set to date. You can use this parameter to sort reviews by DATE or by the RATING. The order is specified by the &order parameter, which is DESC by default. |
| none | number | If you want to view all reviews since 2 years ago, you could use this parameter. Simply append &monthsAgo to the URL and the reviews will be from the last 2 years (24 months). There is no default value for this parameter. If you send this value, &start and &end will be ignored. |
| none | ISO 8601 (Y-m-d) | By default, this is blank. If &monthsAgo is set, any value for this parameter will be ignored. &start is used to specify a date range. If you wanted to view all reviews since or after 2013-08-26, you would set the start date to this value and leave &end empty. Both &start and &end must follow the date format Y-m-d. That is year (YYYY), month (MM), and date (DD). &start is the earliest date/farthest date in the past. |
| none | ISO 8601 (Y-m-d) | Please see also the description for &start. &end is the latest date or the closest date to the present. To see reviews before a certain date, you would use &end on its own (leave &start empty). To see reviews between two dates, set both &start and &end. Be sure that &end is greater than &start otherwise you will receive an error. |
| none | ISO 639-1 code | By this parameter you can filter reviews to a certain language |
| en | ISO 639-1 code | By &_locale you can specify the language for the translatable categories, such as rating categories. If not specified a language will be guessed based on the request headers (Accept-Language). If this header is missing or cannot be used to guess, the language fallback, "en", will be used. |
curl --location --request GET 'https://api.customer-alliance.com/reviews/list?version=4&id={reviewSubject}&access_key={accessKey}&limit=100&offset=0&order=ASC'
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<name>Hotel XYZ</name>
<street>123 fake street</street>
<country>New Country</country>
<bookingUrls> <!-- This is a list of your booking urls -->
<bookingUrl lang="de">https://de.hotelxyz.web</bookingUrl>
<bookingUrl lang="en">https://en.hotelxyz.web</bookingUrl>
<bookingUrl lang="fr">https://fr.hotelxyz.web</bookingUrl>
<bookingUrl lang="es">https://es.hotelxyz.web</bookingUrl>
<bookingUrl lang="nl">https://nl.hotelxyz.web</bookingUrl>
<bookingUrl lang="it">https://it.hotelxyz.web</bookingUrl>
<overallRating scale="5">4.4</overallRating>
<category id="price">Price</category>
<averageRating scale="5">4.2</averageRating>
<category id="room">Room</category>
<averageRating scale="5">4.2</averageRating>
<category id="location">Location</category>
<averageRating scale="5">4.3</averageRating>
<category id="clean">Cleanliness</category>
<averageRating scale="5">4.5</averageRating>
<category id="service">Service</category>
<averageRating scale="5">4.6</averageRating>
<category id="break">Breakfast</category>
<averageRating scale="5">4.5</averageRating>
<reviews> <!-- Each returned review is encapsulated in a review tag -->
<author>Joe Bloggs</author>
<date>2017-02-22 21:47:09</date>
<yourComment>Your review reply</yourComment>
<overallRating scale="5">4.2</overallRating>
<overallComment>A Nice review comment</overallComment>
<category id="price">Price</category>
<rating scale="5">5</rating>
<comment>A comment about the price</comment>
<category id="room">Room</category>
<rating scale="5">4</rating>
<comment>A comment about the room</comment>
<category id="location">Location</category>
<rating scale="5">4</rating>
<comment>A comment about the location</comment>
<category id="clean">Cleanliness</category>
<rating scale="5">4</rating>
<comment>A comment about the cleanliness</comment>
<category id="service">Service</category>
<rating scale="5">4</rating>
<comment>A comment about the service</comment>
Potential Errors
error_message | Further information |
error_message | Further information |
| This can also apply to:
This means the values entered are not valid |
| The "&order" parameter can only be ASC or DESC |
| This means that the start date is greater than or equal to the end date. The start date must be farther in the past than the end date. |
| This can also apply to the end date This means one of the entered dates does not match the expected format Y-d-m, e.g. 2014-02-03 |
| The "&orderBy" value must be either rating or date The default is date |
Sample Error Response
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<error>The option "start" with value "" is expected to be of type "null", "string" |||| 20132-02-03 Not of format Y-m-d</error>
The Statistics API will retrieve your global statistics. These statistics include portal ratings, total reviews, total portals, and average rating.
Note: The data is refreshed every 2 hours.
Name | Default value | Type | Description |
Name | Default value | Type | Description |
| Mandatory | string | Review Subject, ask our Customer Care team for this value. |
| Mandatory | string | Access Key to authorise the request, provided by Customer alliance. |
| en | ISO 639-1 code | Through &_locale you can specify the language for the translatable categories, such as rating categories. If not specified, then a language will be guessed based on the request headers (Accept-Language). If this header is missing or cannot be used to guess, the language fallback, "en", will be used. |