Review Widget

Review Widget

You can generate widget Javascript code yourself or reach out to our Customer Support team to assist you.

The language of the widget is configured when generating the code to embed into the website on our platform.
Either the language is fixed or you select "auto" and it will use the language of the browser.

This documentation provides instructions on how to integrate Customer Alliance Widget JavaScript into your website.

Generating widget code

You can generate your widget code yourself right on our platform. In the Styling Settings section look out for Certificate & Widget page. There should be a button available to generate widget code. If you can not find it, please reach out to our Customer Support.

Once you click that button, you should be able to see a similar window:

Embedding the widget

The widget is embedded via JavaScript, defining it in the <head> section of the html document. When loaded the widget appends html code to the html dom. The widget is placed in an absolute position. The placement and looks are determined by the configuration, given in the Customer Alliance application backend. The widget URL is specified in the backend widget settings section.

<html> <head> <!-- .. --> <script src="//widget.customer-alliance.dev/reviews/js/standard/fyQs18VN3.js" async></script> </head> <body> <!-- .. --> </body> </html>

Embedding the widget within a given container

It is possible to place the widget in a relative position. For this, a container with the id ca-widget-container needs to exist in the html dom.

<div id="ca-widget-container" style="position:relative; .."></div>


Afterward, the widget loads the html into the container div. This enables a custom placement of the widget on the website.

Mobile version

The widget is responsive. Tor tablet and mobile screen sizes, the mobile version of the widget will be shown.

In order to force widget mobile version - the following HTML code example can be used.

<div style="width:400px;height:500px;"> <div style="width: 100%;height: 100%;"> <iframe width="100%" height="100%" scrolling="auto" src="https://example.com/html/e.html"></iframe> </div> </div>


Inside e.html just the widget code should be placed.

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