Single Sign-On
To integrate the single sign-on you will need to request two parameters from Customer Alliance:
Access key (key) and Secret key (key).
This document provides information on how to integrate the single sign-on from your application to Customer Alliance. Users of your application won’t need to provide credentials again when using Customer Alliance portal.
The JWT single sign-on process
When a user authenticates using SSO they go through the following process:
The user navigates to your private portal.
When the user clicks in your portal that want to access to Customer Alliance.
Your application builds a JWT authentication link.
Customer Alliance validates the JWT link provided.
After a successful validation the user is granted access to the private Customer Alliance portal.
To build the link that can authenticate your users you need two parameters from Customer Alliance:
Access key (key)
Secret key (key)
Authentication link example{access_key}?token={token}
Curl call example:
curl --location --request GET '{access_key}?token={token}'
Building the Json Web Token (JWT)
iat: iat, //Unix Timestamp
email: "", //The user to authenticate in Customer Alliance
The JWT HS256-encoded will be signed with the Secret Key provided.